Rick and Morty X Vulture: A Trip to the ‘Spongebob Universe Show’

Vulture sat down with the co-creators of Rick and Morty, Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland, along with producer Ryan Ridley, and voice actors Spencer Grammer (Summer), and Sarah Chalke (Beth), and asked them to improvise an episode in a Spongebob-like world. In this Vulture-animated short, Rick and Morty overlook a domestic dispute between Sponge-eons, and are interrupted by guest appearances from underwater heroes from both the DC and Marvel universe.

I drew and rigged the Rick and Morty characters in AfterEffects and animated the cartoon shots to this Vulture video that had been previously shot at a convention. The characters’ faces were rigged with Joysticks'n'Sliders and their bodies with Duik.